The voice assessment is performed as a team by the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist and the Speech therapist, which involves the following:
The Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist performs a comprehensive ear, nose, throat, head and neck evaluation.
During the examination of the vocal cords, state of the art equipment (Kay Pentax Stroboscopy system with a distal chip flexible laryngoscope) is utilised for the structural and functional assessment of the upper airways and vocal folds.
Direct laryngoscopy through naso-endoscopy and videostroboscopy are carried out. During the flexible naso-endoscopy and laryngoscopy the patient is able to phonate relatively normal.
A rigid 70° fibre optic scope and a flexible distal chip scope are utilised during laryngeal stroboscopy. The vocal fold edge and mucosal wave is more visible with videostroboscopy.
In both examinations the image is shown on a monitor. This allows the patient a visual of his/her larynx.
Images are stored to compare pre- and post treatment pictures.
The Speech therapist will carry out an auditory-perceptual voice assessment and evaluate phonatory-respiratory efficiency.
Voice recordings of speaking voice and singing voice (where applicable) are made for acoustic analysis and to monitor improvement.
For professional singers, a singing assessment by our Singing voice specialist will be recommended, during a later consultation.
Laryngeal electromyography (EMG) can be performed, during a next consultation, in collaboration with our Neurologist, to confirm the presence of vocal fold nerve paralysis or paresis and to determine prognoses.
If necessary, referrals are made to other appropriate medical specialists like a Gastroenterologist, Neurologist and Pulmonologist.
In cases of referrals from other Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists or Speech therapy colleagues, patients will be referred with a report for further management.